W3C CSS Validator results for http://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com (CSS level 2.1)

Sorry! We found the following errors (121)

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/

43 body Property background-size doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : auto auto
47 unrecognized media only
65 Parse Error screen and (max-device-width: 1366px) { .bgd-attachment-fixed { background-image: none; } .bgd-attachment-fixed:after { content: ''; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: top left; background-size: auto; z-index: -2; } }
69 .Text_2_Default, .yola_heading_container Property word-wrap doesn't exist : break-word break-word
89 .yola_inner_bg_overlay Value Error : min-height Unknown dimension 100vh
112 .yola_innermost_heading_wrap Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 1rem
113 .yola_innermost_heading_wrap Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
147 .yola_inner_heading_wrap.top #yola_nav_block Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
151 .yola_inner_heading_wrap.right #yola_nav_block Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
154 .yola_inner_heading_wrap.bottom #yola_nav_block Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
158 .yola_inner_heading_wrap.left #yola_nav_block Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
167 .yola_banner_wrap Property background-size doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : auto auto
189 .yola_banner_wrap nav ul.sys_navigation Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 1rem
190 .yola_banner_wrap nav ul.sys_navigation Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
227 ul.sys_navigation li Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 1rem
229 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :last-child
326 .sys_yola_form .submit, .sys_yola_form input.text, .sys_yola_form input.email, .sys_yola_form input.tel, .sys_yola_form input.url, .sys_yola_form textarea Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
350 .sys_layout blockquote Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
381 unrecognized media only
668 Parse Error screen and (max-width : 736px) { html { font-size: 80%; } body .m_inherit_width { width: inherit; } .small_device_hide { opacity: 0; } /* Remove display table so that fixefox can understand max-width */ .yola_bg_overlay, .yola_inner_bg_overlay { display: block; } /* Zero out padding of the heading wrapper */ .yola_inner_heading_wrap.top .yola_innermost_heading_wrap, .yola_inner_heading_wrap.bottom .yola_innermost_heading_wrap, .yola_inner_heading_wrap.left .yola_innermost_heading_wrap, .yola_inner_heading_wrap.right .yola_innermost_heading_wrap { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } /* Make all image widgets center aligned */ .Image_Default img { display: block; margin: 0 auto; } /* Center button widgets in column dividers */ .column_divider .sys_button { text-align: center; } /* Make column dividers snap to one over another */ .yola_inner_heading_wrap.left #yola_heading_block, .yola_inner_heading_wrap.right #yola_heading_block { float: none; } #sys_heading { word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-word; } body .column_divider .left, body .column_divider .right { width: 100%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .mob_menu a:visited { color: #fff; } .mob_menu { display: block; z-index: 1; background: #f7f7f7;; background: rgba(10,183,252,1.00);; ; } .mob_menu.menu_open { position: absolute; min-height: 100%; padding: 1rem 0 0 0; margin: 0; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } .yola_outer_content_wrapper { display: block; padding-top: 0; } .mob_menu_overlay { display: none; text-transform: inherit; } .menu_open .mob_menu_overlay { display: block; } .mob_menu_toggle { display: block; padding-top: 5%; padding-bottom: 6%; text-align: center; color: #666; cursor: pointer; } .mob_submenu_toggle { list-style: none; text-align: center; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .new-text-widget img, .old_text_widget img { height: auto; } #sys_heading span { font-size: 35px; font-weight: 500; } .sys_navigation { display: none; } .mobile_ham { stroke: #e0e0e0; } .mobile_quit { display: none; } .menu_open .mobile_ham { display: none; } .menu_open .mobile_quit { display: inline; stroke: #e0e0e0; } .mob_menu_list { font-family: 'Ubuntu'; font-weight: lighter; margin: 0; font-size: 2.2em; line-height: 2; letter-spacing: 0.1em; list-style: none; text-align: center; padding: 0; -webkit-animation-duration: .2s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; -webkit-animation-name: fadeInUp; -moz-animation-duration: .2s; -moz-animation-fill-mode: both; -moz-animation-name: fadeInUp; -o-animation-duration: .2s; -o-animation-fill-mode: both; -o-animation-name: fadeInUp; animation-duration: .2s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-name: fadeInUp; } .mob_menu_overlay .mob_menu_list a { color: #e0e0e0; } .mob_more_toggle { display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; background: none; border: none; outline: none; margin-left: 8px; stroke: #e0e0e0; } .up_arrow { display: none; } .sub_menu_open svg .down_arrow { display: none; } .sub_menu_open .up_arrow { display: inline; } .mob_menu_overlay .mob_menu_list .selected a { color: #ffffff; } .sub_menu_open a { color: #ffffff; } .mob_menu_list .sub_menu_open a { color: #ffffff; } .sub_menu_open .mob_more_toggle { stroke: #ffffff; } .mob_submenu_list { font-family: 'Ubuntu'; font-weight: lighter; list-style: none; text-align: center; padding: 0 0 5% 0; margin: 0; line-height: 1.6; display: none; -webkit-animation-duration: .2s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; -webkit-animation-name: fadeInUp; -moz-animation-duration: .2s; -moz-animation-fill-mode: both; -moz-animation-name: fadeInUp; -o-animation-duration: .2s; -o-animation-fill-mode: both; -o-animation-name: fadeInUp; animation-duration: .2s; animation-fill-mode: both animation-name: fadeInUp; } .sub_menu_open .mob_submenu_list{ display: block; } .mob_submenu_items { font-size: 0.75em; } .mob_menu_list .mob_nav_selected { color: #ffffff; } .menu_open ~ .yola_outer_content_wrapper { display: none; } @-webkit-keyframes fadeInUp { 0% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); } 100% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } } @-moz-keyframes fadeInUp { 0% { opacity: 0; -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); } 100% { opacity: 1; -moz-transform: none; transform: none; } } @-o-keyframes fadeInUp { 0% { opacity: 0; -o-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); } 100% { opacity: 1; -o-transform: none; transform: none; } } @keyframes fadeInUp { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: none; } } }

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

2 Value Error : font-family Property font-family doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 'Ubuntu' 'Ubuntu'

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

3 Value Error : font-style Property font-style doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : normal normal

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

4 Value Error : font-weight Property font-weight doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 400 400

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

5 Property src doesn't exist : url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCs6KVjbNBYlgoKcQ7z.ttf) format('truetype') url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCs6KVjbNBYlgoKcQ7z.ttf) format('truetype')

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

8 Value Error : font-family Property font-family doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 'Ubuntu' 'Ubuntu'

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

9 Value Error : font-style Property font-style doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : normal normal

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

10 Value Error : font-weight Property font-weight doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 500 500

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

11 Property src doesn't exist : url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCv6KVjbNBYlgoCjC3jvmyI.ttf) format('truetype') url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCv6KVjbNBYlgoCjC3jvmyI.ttf) format('truetype')

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

14 Value Error : font-family Property font-family doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 'Ubuntu' 'Ubuntu'

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

15 Value Error : font-style Property font-style doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : normal normal

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

16 Value Error : font-weight Property font-weight doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 700 700

URI : https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu%3Aregular%2C700%2C500&subset=latin,latin-ext

17 Property src doesn't exist : url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCv6KVjbNBYlgoCxCvjvmyI.ttf) format('truetype') url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/ubuntu/v20/4iCv6KVjbNBYlgoCxCvjvmyI.ttf) format('truetype')

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/

691 .content p, #content p, .HTML_Default p, .Text_Default p, .sys_txt p, .sys_txt a, .sys_layout p, .sys_txt, .sys_layout Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
702 .sys_navigation a, .ys_menu_2, div#menu ul, div#menu ul li a, ul.sys_navigation li a, div.sys_navigation ul li.selected a, div.sys_navigation ul li a, #navigation li a, div.ys_menu ul a:link, div.ys_menu ul a:visited, div.ys_nav ul li a, #sys_banner ul li a Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
725 #sys_heading, a#sys_heading, #sys_banner h1 a, #header h1 a, div#heading h1 a Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2rem
744 .sys_layout h2, .sys_txt h2 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 5rem
747 .sys_layout h2, .sys_txt h2 Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.3rem
755 .sys_layout h2 a, .sys_layout h2 a:link, .sys_layout h2 a:hover, .sys_layout h2 a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 5rem
757 .sys_layout h2 a, .sys_layout h2 a:link, .sys_layout h2 a:hover, .sys_layout h2 a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.3rem
765 .sys_layout h3, .sys_txt h3 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.25rem
768 .sys_layout h3, .sys_txt h3 Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
776 .sys_layout h3 a, .sys_layout h3 a:link, .sys_layout h3 a:hover, .sys_layout h3 a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 2.25rem
778 .sys_layout h3 a, .sys_layout h3 a:link, .sys_layout h3 a:hover, .sys_layout h3 a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
786 .sys_layout h4, .sys_txt h4 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
789 .sys_layout h4, .sys_txt h4 Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
797 .sys_layout h4 a, .sys_layout h4 a:link, .sys_layout h4 a:hover, .sys_layout h4 a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.5rem
799 .sys_layout h4 a, .sys_layout h4 a:link, .sys_layout h4 a:hover, .sys_layout h4 a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
807 .sys_layout h5, .sys_txt h5 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
810 .sys_layout h5, .sys_txt h5 Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
818 .sys_layout h5 a, .sys_layout h5 a:link, .sys_layout h5 a:hover, .sys_layout h5 a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.25rem
820 .sys_layout h5 a, .sys_layout h5 a:link, .sys_layout h5 a:hover, .sys_layout h5 a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
828 .sys_layout h6, .sys_txt h6 Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
831 .sys_layout h6, .sys_txt h6 Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
839 .sys_layout h6 a, .sys_layout h6 a:link, .sys_layout h6 a:hover, .sys_layout h6 a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
841 .sys_layout h6 a, .sys_layout h6 a:link, .sys_layout h6 a:hover, .sys_layout h6 a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
859 .sys_layout .sys_button.square a, .sys_layout .sys_button.square a:link Property border-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0 0
862 .sys_layout .sys_button.rounded a, .sys_layout .sys_button.rounded a:link Property border-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 3px 3px
865 .sys_layout .sys_button.pill a, .sys_layout .sys_button.pill a:link Property border-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 90px 90px
869 .sys_layout .sys_button.small a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.9rem
869 .sys_layout .sys_button.small a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:visited Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 0.6rem
869 .sys_layout .sys_button.small a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:visited Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension 0.6rem
869 .sys_layout .sys_button.small a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:visited Value Error : padding-left Unknown dimension 1.3rem
869 .sys_layout .sys_button.small a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.small a:visited Value Error : padding-right Unknown dimension 1.3rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : letter-spacing Unknown dimension 0.06rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 1rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension 1rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : padding-left Unknown dimension 2.8rem
870 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited Value Error : padding-right Unknown dimension 2.8rem
871 .sys_layout .sys_button.large a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:visited Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 1.1rem
871 .sys_layout .sys_button.large a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:visited Value Error : padding-top Unknown dimension 0.9rem
871 .sys_layout .sys_button.large a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:visited Value Error : padding-bottom Unknown dimension 0.9rem
871 .sys_layout .sys_button.large a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:visited Value Error : padding-left Unknown dimension 2.8rem
871 .sys_layout .sys_button.large a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.large a:visited Value Error : padding-right Unknown dimension 2.8rem
875 .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
876 .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a:link Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
881 .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a:visited Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
887 .sys_layout .sys_button.small.solid a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small.solid a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
895 .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a:hover Value Error : background-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a background-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
902 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
903 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a:link Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
908 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a:visited Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
914 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.solid a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.solid a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
922 .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a:hover Value Error : background-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a background-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
928 .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
929 .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a:link Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
934 .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a:visited Value Error : color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
940 .sys_layout .sys_button.large.solid a, .sys_layout .sys_button.large.solid a:link Value Error : border-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a border-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
948 .sys_layout .sys_button.large.outline a:hover Value Error : background-color rgba(170,210,43,1.0) is not a background-color value : rgba(170,210,43,1.0) rgba(170,210,43,1.0)
955 .sys_layout .sys_button.solid a:hover Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0.8 0.8

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/classes/commons/resources/flyoutmenu/flyoutmenu.css?1001067

3 .ys_submenu Value Error : background Too many values or values are not recognized : #fff linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff 0%,#fff 100%) #fff linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff 0%,#fff 100%)
5 .ys_submenu Property border-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 6px 6px
6 .ys_submenu Property box-shadow doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
51 .ys_submenu ul li:first-child:hover Property border-top-left-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 6px 6px
52 .ys_submenu ul li:first-child:hover Property border-top-right-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 6px 6px
55 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :last-child
56 .ys_submenu ul li:hover Property border-bottom-left-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 6px 6px
57 .ys_submenu ul li:hover Property border-bottom-right-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 6px 6px

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/classes/commons/resources/global/global.css?1001067

38 .hide-x-spill Property overflow-x doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : hidden hidden
60 .yola-form-captcha-representation Property background-size doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : contain contain

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/

1116 #yola-panel-Id2eb9392c5e643b6920a599851d2e02e Value Error : min-height Unknown dimension 0vh
1120 #yola-panel-inner-Id2eb9392c5e643b6920a599851d2e02e Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 4rem
1120 #yola-panel-inner-Id2eb9392c5e643b6920a599851d2e02e Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1120 #yola-panel-inner-Id2eb9392c5e643b6920a599851d2e02e Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 4rem
1120 #yola-panel-inner-Id2eb9392c5e643b6920a599851d2e02e Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1137 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : color Parse Error
1138 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : font Parse Error
1139 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : background-color Parse Error
1171 #yola-panel-I9458a2815ba94ed58dd3131640596501 Value Error : min-height Unknown dimension 0vh
1175 #yola-panel-inner-I9458a2815ba94ed58dd3131640596501 Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 2rem
1175 #yola-panel-inner-I9458a2815ba94ed58dd3131640596501 Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1175 #yola-panel-inner-I9458a2815ba94ed58dd3131640596501 Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1175 #yola-panel-inner-I9458a2815ba94ed58dd3131640596501 Value Error : padding Unknown dimension 1rem
1183 Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 2rem
1183 Value Error : margin Unknown dimension 1rem
1192 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : color Parse Error
1193 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : font Parse Error
1194 div.sys_text_widget Value Error : background-color Parse Error
1223 #sys_yolacredit Property background-size doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 7em 7em
1224 #sys_yolacredit Value Error : font-size Unknown dimension 0.6rem
1229 #sys_yolacredit a.yola Value Error : color "#fff" is not a color value : "#fff" "#fff"

↑ Top

Warnings (4)

URI : https://airimpactwrenchzone.yolasite.com/

1079 You should add a 'type' attribute with a value of 'text/css' to the 'style' element

↑ Top

Valid CSS information

body {
background-color : #f7f7f7;
background-repeat : repeat;
background-attachment : fixed;
background-position : left top;
@media {
.yola_bg_overlay {
display : table;
table-layout : fixed;
position : absolute;
min-height : 100%;
min-width : 100%;
width : 100%;
height : 100%;
.yola_outer_content_wrapper {
padding-right : 0;
padding-left : 0;
.yola_inner_bg_overlay {
width : 100%;
display : table-cell;
vertical-align : top;
.yola_outer_heading_wrap {
width : 100%;
text-align : center;
.yola_heading_container {
margin : 0 auto;
background-color : #0ab7fc;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap {
margin : 0 auto;
max-width : 1170px;
.yola_innermost_heading_wrap {
padding-left : 0;
padding-right : 0;
margin : 0 auto;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap h1 {
margin : 0;
#yola_nav_block {
height : 100%;
#yola_nav_block nav {
text-align : center;
#yola_nav_block nav ul {
display : inline;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.left #yola_heading_block {
float : left;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.right #yola_heading_block {
float : right;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.top #yola_nav_block {
padding : 0 0 0;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.right #yola_nav_block {
float : left;
padding : 0 0 0;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.bottom #yola_nav_block {
padding : 0 0 0;
.yola_inner_heading_wrap.left #yola_nav_block {
float : right;
padding : 0 0 0;
.yola_banner_wrap {
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